
Our work on intelligence covers three topics: prototypes of intelligence; reputational measures of intelligence; use of the OCT.

  1. Exemplar surveys

    Following the exemplar literature, we asked lay observers for examples of intelligent people.

  2. Reputational measures

    There are difficulties with defining intelligence with either psychometric or subjective methods. The reputational method works well with older patients.

  3. OCT as a measure of cognitive ability

    When applied to a large set of academic items, the overclaiming technique can be used the measure global intelligence. The accuracy index provides an easy and valid method for controlling the research. We have recently extended this work into 'non-academic' or 'lay' domains. We have included myriad domains from music to movies to macho sports (e.g., pro wrestling, NASCAR).


  Department of Psychology
  University of British Columbia
Room 3519, Kenny Building
dpaulhus - at -
Tel: 604-822-3286