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Links to other Holocaust-related web sites

These are some useful links to other web sites containing all manner of information regarding the Holocaust. Some merely contain general historical information whereas others are the home pages of museums or memorials with links to archives, physical and online galleries, research or documentation projects, and other resources. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Host to in-house, traveling, and online exhibitions. Also funds the Center for Advanced Holocaust Research, which offers annual fellowships and other academic opportunities. Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority. Among other resources, features the world's largest repository of Holocaust material, located on the Mount of Remembrance in Jerusalem, Israel. The memorial and museum on the original Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp sites. A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust. An image-oriented introductory source for general Holocaust information from the Florida Center for Instructional Technology at the University of South Florida. Be sure to check out the impressive Quicktime VR photographic panaromas! Literature of the Holocaust. An enormous collection of links to newspaper articles, lecture series, other online collections of materials, etc. The Holocaust Remembrance Project. An annual essay contest for U.S. and Mexican high school students designed to encourage and promote the study of the Holocaust. The Holocaust History Project. An "archive of documents, photographs, recordings, and essays regarding the Holocaust, including direct refutation of Holocaust-denial." An Holocaust survivor oral history archive collected and maintained by the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Dozens of audio recordings and transcripts available online. Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation. Home of Steven Spielberg's testimonial documentation project. An in-depth look at six Holocaust survivors, including a brief history of the Holocaust and an "encyclopedia" of relevant locations, events, and people. Contains links to some audio excerpts and transcripts. The Simon Wiesenthal Center, an international Jewish human rights organization, based in Los Angeles. The Holocaust\Shoah page. A site with numerous informative links, maintained by a sociologist at Middle Tennessee State University. A newly rebuilt memorial centre in Michigan claiming to be "America's first Holocaust memorial center".

Last updated: Monday, May 31, 2004

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About this web-site

This web-site describes the research and other achievements of Dr. Peter Suedfeld, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia.

This page lists various links to more general information about the Holocaust. The coping styles and life achievements of Holocaust survivors comprise just one of Peter Suedfeld's many research topics, all of which may be linked to below.

Personal information:

Biographic Info, Recent Publications, and Current Projects

Primary research topics:

Integrative ComplexityPolitical PsychologyExtreme & Unusual EnvironmentsHolocaust Studies

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