library(stats) library(MBESS) #Function for obtaining the confidence interval for a correlation #Input is the correlation (givenr), sample size for that correlation (n) #and the desired confidence interval (confidence) #output is (1)lower endpoint, (2)upper endpoint, (3)interval width NICIr<- function(givenr, n, confidence){ ndraws<- 100000 dfnew <- n-2 alpha <- 1-confidence tobs <- givenr*sqrt(dfnew)/sqrt(1-givenr* givenr) ptnum <- rnorm(n= ndraws,mean=0,sd=1) + tobs*sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df=dfnew,ncp=0)/(dfnew)) ptden <- sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df= dfnew+1,ncp=0)/(dfnew)) pt <-ptnum/ptden r <- pt/sqrt(pt* pt + dfnew) end <- quantile(r, probs=c(alpha/2, (1-alpha/2))) interval <- as.numeric(end[2] - end[1]) c(end[1],end[2],interval) } #Function for obtaining the confidence interval for a standardized mean difference #Input is the SMD (givend), sample size for that correlation (n) #and the desired confidence interval (confidence) #output is (1)lower endpoint, (2)upper endpoint, (3)interval width #Kelley's ci.smd function is generally used except for very small effect sizes where there #is an apparent discontinuity when smd == 0. NICId<- function(givend, n, confidence){ ndraws<- 1000000 dfnew <- 2*n-2 if (abs(givend)<.01){ alpha <- 1-confidence tobs <- givend*sqrt(n/2) posteriorL <- (rnorm(n= ndraws,mean=0,sd=1) + tobs*sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df= dfnew,ncp=0)/(dfnew))) pd <- posteriorL/sqrt(n/2) end <- quantile(pd, probs=c(alpha/2, (1-alpha/2))) interval <- as.numeric(end[2] - end[1]) } else { ci <- ci.smd(smd= givend,n.1=n,n.2= n, conf.level=confidence) end <- c(ci$Lower.Conf.Limit.smd, ci$Upper.Conf.Limit.smd) interval <- as.numeric(end[2] - end[1]) } c(end[1],end[2],interval) } ################################################ #Function for estimating average statistical power across the posterior distribution of the effect size estimate # PPOWER(effect, n1, n2, DesiredPower, lowern, uppern, alpha, type, posterior) #Variable definitions: # effect: the observed effect size # n1 sample size for group 1 (or observed sample size for the correlation) # n2 sample size for group 2 (NA in the case of the correlation) # DesiredPower value of desired average power # lowern Lower sample size bounds to examine # uppern Upper sample size bounds to examine # alpha Type I error rate (e.g., .05) # type effect size type. Options are "d" and "r". # posterior posterior distribution of the effect size. May be user-supplied (i.e., from a HB analysis). # Otherwise specify as NA to generate a posterior from the noninformative prior. # #Returns: # 1. Sample size required to achieve the specified level of DesiredPower # 2. Median 90% confidence interval for the effect size based on that sample size # 3. Quantiles for power. # 4. A graph of Average power and Confidence interval width across the range of lowern to uppern. ################################################ PPOWER <- function(effect, n1, n2, DesiredPower, lowern, uppern, alpha, type, posterior){ post <- TRUE if ([1])==TRUE) ndraws<- 50000 if ([1])==TRUE) post <- NA if ([1])==FALSE) ndraws<- nrow(posterior) if (type=='d'){ dfobs <- n1+n2-2 tobs <- effect*sqrt((n1*n2)/(n1+n2)) val <- matrix(NA,nrow=uppern-lowern, ncol=4) for (i in lowern:uppern-1 ){ dfnew <- i*2 - 2 if ( posterior <- rnorm(n=ndraws,mean=0,sd=1)/sqrt((n1*n2)/(n1+n2))+ effect*sqrt(rchisq(n=ndraws,df=dfobs,ncp=0)/(dfobs)) pptnum <- rnorm(n=ndraws,mean=0,sd=1) + posterior*sqrt((i*i)/(2*i)) pptden <- sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df= dfnew,ncp=0)/(dfnew)) ppt <- abs(pptnum/pptden) dist <- ecdf(ppt) SApower <- 1 - dist(qt(alpha/2,df=dfnew,ncp=0,lower.tail=FALSE)) val[i -lowern +1 ,1]<- effect val[i- lowern +1, 2]<- NICId(quantile(abs(posterior),probs=c(.50)), i, .90)[3] val[i- lowern +1, 3]<- i val[i- lowern +1, 4]<- SApower } } else if (type=='r'){ dfobs <- n1-2 tobs <- effect*sqrt(dfobs)/sqrt(1- effect* effect) ndraws<- 50000 val <- matrix(NA,nrow=uppern-lowern + 1, ncol=4) for (i in lowern:uppern ){ dfnew <- i - 2 posteriorL <- (rnorm(n= ndraws,mean=0,sd=1) + tobs*sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df=dfobs,ncp=0)/(dfobs)))/sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df=dfobs+1,ncp=0)/(dfobs)) if ( posterior <- posteriorL/sqrt(posteriorL*posteriorL + dfobs) pptnum <- (rnorm(n=ndraws,mean=0,sd=1) + (posterior*sqrt(dfnew/(1-posteriorr^2)))*sqrt(rchisq(n=ndraws,df=dfnew+1,ncp=0)/(dfnew))) pptden <- sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df= dfnew,ncp=0)/(dfnew)) ppt <- abs(pptnum/pptden) dist <- ecdf(ppt) SApower <- 1 - dist(qt(alpha/2,df=dfnew,ncp=0,lower.tail=FALSE)) val[i -lowern +1 ,1]<- effect val[i- lowern +1, 2]<- NICIr(quantile(abs(posterior),probs=c(.50)), i, .90)[3] val[i- lowern +1, 3]<- i val[i- lowern +1, 4]<- SApower } } power<- smooth.spline(x=val[,3],y=val[,4]) CIW<- smooth.spline(x=val[,3],y=val[,2]) if (max(val[,4]) < DesiredPower) cat("\n\nuppern is too low. Please provide a higher value. An n of ", uppern," yields expected power of ",max(val[,4]), ".\n\n\n") if (min(val[,4]) > DesiredPower) cat("\n\nlowern is too high. Please provide a lower value. An n of ", lowern," yields expected power of ",min(val[,4]), ".\n\n\n") f <- function(x)(predict(power, x)$y - DesiredPower) min_n <- uniroot(f,interval=c(val[1,3], val[NROW(val),3]),tol = 0.001)$root plot(power, xlab="Sample Size for Future Study",ylab="Expected Statistical Power",frame.plot=FALSE,type="l",lwd=2) segments(lowern, DesiredPower,min_n, DesiredPower,col= "grey40", lwd=1,lty="dashed") segments(min_n, min(val[,4]),min_n, DesiredPower,col= "grey40", lwd=1,lty="dashed") text(uppern-5,predict(power, uppern)$y,"Expected Power",adj=c(1,0),cex=.7) par(new=TRUE) plot(CIW,type="l",lty="dashed",lwd=2,main=NA,col=c("grey60"),frame.plot=FALSE,axes=FALSE,xlab=NA, ylab=NA) axis(side=4,at=NULL,tick=TRUE,outer=FALSE) text(uppern-1,(max(val[,2])-min(val[,2]))/2+min(val[,2]),"Median Confidence Interval Width",srt=90) segments(min_n, predict(CIW, uppern)$y,min_n, predict(CIW, min_n)$y,col= "grey40", lwd=1,lty="dashed") segments(min_n, predict(CIW, min_n)$y, uppern, predict(CIW, min_n)$y,col= "grey40", lwd=1,lty="dashed") text(lowern+5,predict(CIW, lowern)$y,"90% CI Width",adj=c(0,1),cex=.7) #Quantiles for Power if ([1])==TRUE){ ndraws<- 10000000 nq <- round(min_n) dfq <- 2*nq - 2 if (type=='d') Q <- rnorm(n=ndraws,mean=0,sd=1)/sqrt((n1*n2)/(n1+n2))+ effect*sqrt(rchisq(n=ndraws,df=dfobs,ncp=0)/(dfobs)) if (type=='r'){ posteriorL <- (rnorm(n= ndraws,mean=0,sd=1) + tobs*sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df=dfobs,ncp=0)/(dfobs)))/sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df=dfobs+1,ncp=0)/(dfobs)) Q <- posteriorL/sqrt(posteriorL*posteriorL + dfobs) } } else { if (type=='d') Q <- posterior if (type=='r'){ Q <- posterior/sqrt(posterior*posterior + dfobs) } quant <- quantile(abs(Q), probs=c(.1,.2,.4,.5,.6,.8)) PowerQ1<- power.t.test(n = round(min_n), delta = quant, sd = 1, sig.level = 0.05, power = NULL, type = c("two.sample"), alternative = c("two.sided"), strict = FALSE)$power } if (type=='d') cat("Required sample size per group is ",min_n," for average (expected) power of ", DesiredPower, ".\n\n") if (type=='r') cat("Required sample size is ",min_n," for average (expected) power of ", DesiredPower, ".\n\n") cat("Median 90% Confidence Interval Width based on this sample size is ", predict(CIW, min_n)$y, ".\n\n") cat("Quantiles for power are:\n ") print(PowerQ1) } ################################################ #Function for producing a sample from the posterior distribution using Hierarchical Bayesian MCMC #H(estimate, sd, df, n.burnin, n.thin, k) #Variable definitions: # estimate: the observed effect size estimates. Note that the first estimate is the one of interest # sd: The standard deviation associated with the effect size estimate # df: The degrees of freedome associated with the effect size estimate # n.burnin: How many iterations to conduct before starting to draw samples from the posterior # n.thin How many iterations between samples from the posterior # k The desired number of samples from the posterior # #Returns: # 1. a vector of draws from the posterior distribution of the first effect size estimate. ################################################ HB <- function(estimate, sd, df, n.burnin, n.thin, k){ summary(estimate) J <- NROW(estimate) y <- estimate sigma.y <- sd n.thin<-5 n.burnin<-10000 k<- 50000 n.iter <- (k*n.thin) + n.burnin theta.update <- function (){ theta.hat <- (mu/tau^2 + y/sigma.y^2)/(1/tau^2 + 1/sigma.y^2) V.theta <- 1/(1/tau^2 + 1/sigma.y^2) rnorm (J, theta.hat, sqrt(V.theta)) } mu.update <- function(){ rnorm (1, mean(theta), tau/sqrt(J)) } tau.update <- function(){ sqrt(sum((theta-mu)^2/rchisq(1,J-1))) } sims <- array (NA, c((n.iter-n.burnin)/n.thin, J)) mu <- rnorm (1, mean(y), sd(y)) tau <- runif (1, 0, sd(y)) for (t in 1:n.iter){ theta <- theta.update() mu <- mu.update() tau <- tau.update() if ( (t >n.burnin)&((t - n.burnin) %% n.thin == 0)) sims[(t-n.burnin)/n.thin,] <- c(theta) } #Note that the study of interest is the first effect size. as.matrix(sims[,1]) } ############################################################################################ # reml(effect, var) returns the REML random effects variance (tau) and meta-analytic mean (mu) estimates # REML estimation of the random effects variance based on Equation [18] from: # Viechtbauer, W. (2005). Bias and efficiency of meta-analytic variance estimators in the random-effects model. # Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 30, 261-293. # #Returns the REML estimates of the variance and mean of the random effects ############################################################################################ reml <- function(yi, vi) { maxiter = 200 change <- 1 iter <- 0 # starting value for random effects variance vart <- var(yi) - 1/length(yi)*sum(vi) # initialize to 0 in case original estimate is negative vart[vart < 0] <- 0 while (change > 0.00001) { iter <- iter + 1 varm <- vart wi <- 1/(vi + vart) #ML estimate of the weighted mean mu <- sum((yi*wi)/sum(wi)) vart <- sum(wi*wi*((yi-mu)*(yi-mu)-vi))/sum(wi*wi)+1/sum(wi) change <- abs(varm - vart) if (iter > maxiter) { break } } #setting variance to 0 if negative vart[vart < 0] <- 0 output <- list(vart, mu) names(output) <- c("vart", "mu") output } #Function called by the EB function. See footnote 5 in Biesanz & Schrager(2010) posteriordelta <- function(d, w, df, bootmu, boottau2, N){ grid <- seq(from=-25,to=25,by=.02) dpost <- dt(d/w,df=df,ncp=grid)*dnorm(grid*w,mean= bootmu,sd=sqrt(boottau2)) weight <- dpost/sum(dpost) sample(grid,size=N,replace=TRUE,prob= weight)*w } EB <- function(estimate, sd, n1, n2, k, mu, tau2, metan1, metan2){ df <- n1+n2-2 w <- sqrt(1/n1 + 1/n2) se <- ((n1+n2)/(n1*n2)+(estimate*estimate)/(2*(n1+n2-2)))*((n1+n2)/(n1+n2-2)) PostSampleN <- 10 #number of posterior draws to take from each iteration EBsims <- array (NA, 0, 1) #array of simulated values from the posterior distribution m <- NROW(metan1) #number of studies in the meta-analysis niter <- k/PostSampleN for (i in 1: niter){ thetastar <- rnorm(m, mean=mu, sd=sqrt(tau2)) dstar <- rt(m, (metan1 + metan2-2), thetastar/sqrt(1/metan1 +1/metan2))*sqrt(1/metan1 +1/metan2) dstarvar <-((metan1 + metan2)/(metan1* metan2)+(dstar* dstar)/(2*(metan1 + metan2-2)))*((metan1 + metan2)/(metan1 + metan2-2)) dstar <-c(estimate, dstar) dstarvar <-c(se*se, dstarvar) metastar <- reml(dstar, dstarvar) mustar <- metastar$mu tau2star <- metastar$vart EBsims <- c(EBsims,posteriordelta(estimate,w,df, mustar,tau2star, PostSampleN)) } as.matrix(EBsims) }