(2019-2020 Academic Year, Term 1)
website: http://www2.psych.ubc.ca/~schaller/psyc358.htm
Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:00 – 3:20
Chemistry D300
Instructor: Dr. Mark
CIRS 4353
Email: schaller@psych.ubc.ca
hours: Mondays 2:00 – 3:00, and by appointment
Teaching Assistant:
Marlise Hofer
Kenny 3605
Email: hofer@psych.ubc.ca
hours: Thursdays 12:45 – 1:45, and by appointment
Course Objectives and
Evolutionary psychology is a
broad approach to scientific inquiry, in which the knowledge and principles
from evolutionary biology are applied to the study of human psychological
processes and their implications for human behavior. This course is designed to
provide you with a good overview of the basic themes of inquiry within
evolutionary psychology, and an overview of important programs of research
within evolutionary psychology.
By the end of the course, you
should understand how evolutionary thinking can be productively applied within
the psychological sciences, you should be familiar with the conceptual and
methodological issues that arise when evolutionary principles are applied to the
study contemporary human behavior, and you should know a wide variety of
psychological theories and psychological phenomena that have emerged within the
framework of evolutionary psychology.
This is a big class, and I will
present a lot of material in a lecture format. But please don't let that keep
you from thinking; I'll try as best as I can to keep you alert and mentally
active in class. Please feel free to ask questions and/or make cogent comments
during class.
The material that appears in
the readings and the material that I present in class are designed to be
complementary. There will be some overlap, of course. But there is lots of
material in the readings that we won't have time to talk about in class; and I
will present lots of material in class that doesn't appear in the readings. If
you want to do well in this class, be sure to keep up with the readings, and be
sure to come to class.
Required Reading
I will not be using any standard textbook for this course. Instead, the
readings include a single classic popular-press book, and a large collection of
scientific articles. These readings
are available to you electronically (for free!) on the class website.
The book is: The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins. It was originally published in 1976, by Oxford
University Press, and several updated editions of the book have been published
since then. For this course, it doesn't matter which edition you read; we will
cover material common to all editions. The “30th Anniversary
edition” of The Selfish
Gene—the whole book—is available to you on the class
website, in the form of a pdf file. (You don’t need to buy a hardcopy;
but if you do want to, it is readily buy-able from many bookstores, or
order-able online.)
In addition, I have assembled a set of scholarly articles that
correspond to the topics that we will be covering. (Most of these articles were
published in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science,
which publishes short and not-too-painful-to-read review articles on
psychological research topics.) All of the articles—in the form of pdf
files—are available on the class website.
All readings can be accessed
via the list of assigned readings that you’ll find within the
“Calendar of Events” at the end of this syllabus. This
“Calendar of Events” is also posted separately on the course
website. Each reading listed contains a link that will connect
you to the reading itself (the relevant pdf file on the course website). These
readings are password-protected. To access them you’ll need to use the
following course-specific user name and password: user name = 358; password = evolutionary.
Course Website:
I’ll be making a variety
of course-relevant materials available on a course website that I have created:
On that website, you will find
the electronic version of this syllabus (which may be updated as needed) as
well as a variety of additional materials that you may find helpful. These
materials will include abbreviated versions of my lecture slides. (These slides
contain key pieces of information presented in lectures, but they certainly
don’t contain everything that I will present in class. So if you miss a
class, you would be wise to make arrangements to get class notes from one or
more other students in the class.) These materials will also include a list of
“Things that Matter Most” in the readings and lecture materials—which
is designed to help you distinguish between high-priority information and less
essential information in the readings and lectures.
I will post grades on the
course website. Those postings will be password-protected. In order to access
them, you will need to provide a user name and password—the same user
name and password that also provide you with access to the required readings
(see above).
Assessments of Learning
– Exams:
There will be three exams. The
first (Midterm Exam 1) will be on Tuesday,
October 1. The second (Midterm Exam 2) will be on Tuesday, November 5. The
third (Final Exam) will held during the final exam period, on a date to be determined later.
Your performance on each exam
will count 30% toward your final course grade.
Each exam will consist
primarily of multiple-choice items, and will also include a small number of
short-answer items. The exams are not designed in any explicit way to be
cumulative; each exam will focus on “new” material presented in
readings and lectures since any previous exam. (Of course, a lot of
“new” material builds upon older material, and your comprehension
of new material will be increased if you have retained your knowledge of that
older material.)
Exams won't be handed back to
you. Students at UBC have the right to view their marked examinations with
their instructor, providing they apply to do so within a month of receiving
their final grades. This review is for pedagogic purposes. The examination
remains the property of the university.
If you miss a scheduled exam
you will receive a mark of “0” for that exam. The only exception
would be if an event outside of your control—such as an acute health
issue—prevents you from taking the exam as scheduled. If such a
circumstance arises, you must let me know as soon as possible and, ideally,
provide me with credible written documentation attesting to the event outside
of your control. I will adhere to relevant UBC policies to determine the
appropriate course of action. Please
make sure that you’re familiar with those policies—on
“academic concession”—which are linked here.)
Assessments of Learning
– Essay Assignment:
There will be one essay-writing
assignments. For this essay assignment, I will provide a specific topic for you
to address in writing, in the form of a short paper. The essay assignment is
designed to help you think about, and integrate, the material covered in this
course. The essay assignment is also designed to provide you with an
opportunity to show off your knowledge of (and deep thinking about) the
material covered in this course. Essays will be marked according to how
accurately, how convincingly, and how thoroughly they use course material to
address the assigned topic. The essay assignment—along with a more
detailed set of guidelines—is posted separately on the course website.
Your performance on the essay
assignment will count 10% toward your final course grade.
This essay is due on Thursday, November 21, at the start of
class. That is the final deadline for handing in the essay. (You may hand it in
any time before that deadline.) I will not accept essays that are
handed in after the deadline; if your essay isn’t handed in by the
deadline, you will receive mark of “0” for the essay
assignment. (The only exception to the preceding rule would be if an
unanticipated event outside of your control—such as an acute health
issue—prevents you from handing in the essay by the deadline. If such a
circumstance arises, you must let me know as soon as possible and, ideally,
provide me with credible written documentation attesting to the unanticipated
event outside of your control. I will adhere to relevant
UBC policies to determine the appropriate course of action.)
Scaling of Grades:
Grades will be scaled in order
to maintain equity among sections and to conform to University, Faculty, or
Department grading norms. In accordance with the policy of the Psychology
Department, the expectation is that the final grades in this course (as in all
300-level courses) will be normally distributed around an average grade of
approximately 68 (i.e., right around a C+ or B-).
Let me explain what this is all
about. The primary function of grades is to inform you (and other people) as to
your performance relative to other students taking the course. In order for
grades to serve this function, it's important that average performance is
reflected in an average grade, that better-than-average-but-not-great
performance is reflected in a better-than-average-but-not-great grade, and so
forth. The Psychology Department has explicit guidelines for appropriate
distributions of grades in courses at all levels, and this course will follow
those guidelines—which means that approximately half the students in this
class will receive final grades in the A or B range, and approximately half
will receive final grades in the C, D, or F range.
Let me make this point in a
slightly different way. Don't be fooled by the fact that UBC records numerical
grades on a 100-point scale. These numerical grades aren't really percentages.
They are simply numerical translations of letter grades. Again: The purpose of
your final course grade is to reflect your performance in this course relative
to the other students taking the course. If your performance is right in the
middle of the overall grade distribution, then you'll get an average grade (a
C+ or B-). If most students in class perform better than you, you'll get a low
grade (in the low C's, or D's or—if you're way at the bottom of the grade
distribution—an F). If you perform better than average, then you'll get a
better-than-average grade (e.g., a B perhaps). And if you perform way better
than average (e.g., if your performance is among the top 15%-20% of students in
the entire class) then you may get an A.
Anyway, please remember that
final grades will be scaled to ensure that the distribution of final grades meets
Psychology Department guidelines. (I’ll help you remember: When I provide
feedback on exams and essays, I will provide you with information about your
performance relative to other students in the class.)
Special Accommodations:
UBC accommodates students with
disabilities who have registered with UBC’s Centre
for Accessibility. If
you have a disability that may affect your performance in this class, please
make sure you have contacted the Centre for Accessibility to arrange for
accommodations. Please let me know of these accommodations as soon as possible.
UBC also accommodates students
whose religious obligations conflict with attendance, assignments, or
examinations. Please let me know as soon as possible—and well in advance
of any assignment or examination—if you will require any accommodation on
these grounds.
The university does not have
any formal policy on accommodating students who plan to be absent for varsity
athletics, family obligations, or other similar commitments. So, please do not
assume that you will get special accommodations for these sorts of absences. It
is your responsibility to ensure that you meet the course requirements as
scheduled. If you do plan to be absent during any time an examination is
scheduled, please discuss this with me as soon as possible.
Class conduct:
Please show up on time and
please don't leave early, because comings and goings during class are very
disruptive. Make sure cellphones and other distracting electronic stuff are
turned off before you come to class. And please don't chatter when I'm
lecturing or if someone else is talking. I do want you to actively participate
in the class—to ask questions and make comments—but please do so in
respectful way.
Equity and Inclusion and Diversity and Respect:
Our classroom is a place that should be conducive to learning and
rigorous intellectual inquiry. It’s also a place where everyone should
feel included and respected—regardless of race, ethnicity, gender
identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, political or religious
affiliations, ability, age, social status, etc. All students in this class
are encouraged to speak up and participate during class meetings; and, when you
do express yourself in class, it’s important that you do so in a manner
that shows respect for every other member of this class. (Please make sure
that you’re familiar with UBC’s policy on
building and maintaining a respectful environment; you’ll find it linked
Some course content may introduce topics that could be perceived to be
controversial or sensitive; in talking about these topics it will be especially
important for us all to express ourselves in a thoughtful, nonjudgmental, and
socially responsible manner. Of course, people aren’t perfect and
slip-ups are possible (e.g., someone might say something that is perceived by
someone else to be insensitive); and it’s important to respond to those
slip-ups in a responsible manner too. If something is expressed by
someone—whether it’s by me, a TA, a fellow student, or an author of
one of the readings for this course—that you perceive to violate these
goals of equity and inclusion and diversity and universal respect, I encourage
you to bring it to my attention in whatever way you feel most comfortable doing
so. (You can let me know directly, or you can do so anonymously—for
instance by asking a third party to relay a message to me.) By doing so,
you will be doing a good deed by helping to educate other people (including
me!) and by promoting an inclusive educational environment.
Academic Dishonesty:
Cheating, plagiarism, and other
forms of academic misconduct are very serious concerns of the University, and
the Department of Psychology has taken steps to alleviate them. The Department
has implemented software that can reliably detect cheating on multiple-choice
exams by analyzing the patterns of students’ responses. The Department
also subscribes to TurnItIn—a service designed
to detect and deter plagiarism. All materials that students submit for grading
will be scanned and compared to over 4.5 billion pages of content located on
the Internet or in TurnItIn’s own proprietary
databases. The results of these comparisons are compiled into customized
“Originality Reports” containing several, sensitive measures of
plagiarism; instructors receive copies of these reports for every student in
their class. In all cases of suspected academic misconduct, the parties
involved will be pursued to the fullest extent dictated by the guidelines of
the University. Strong evidence of cheating or plagiarism may result in a zero
credit for the work in question. According to the University Act (section 61),
the President of UBC has the right to impose harsher penalties including (but
not limited to) a failing grade for the course, suspension from the University,
cancellation of scholarships, or a notation added to a student’s
All graded work in this course,
unless otherwise specified, is to be original work done independently by
individuals. If you have any questions as to whether or not what you are doing
is even a borderline case of academic misconduct, please consult your
instructor. For details on University policies and procedures pertaining to
student conduct and academic dishonesty, please see the Academic
Other Stuff:
This syllabus is our roadmap
for the course, but it is possible that some revisions (in scheduling, in
policy, etc.) may have to be made as we work our way through the material. Any
announcements made in class “count” just as much as policies
outlined in this written syllabus.
Further information about
academic regulations, course withdrawal dates and credits can be found in the Academic Calendar.
If you run into trouble and
need information about studying, preparing for exams, note-taking or
time-management, free workshops and advice are available from various resources
around campus, such as the UBC Learning Commons.
Calendar of Events:
Following is an overview of the
structure of the course, along with a list of the dates on which we will have
classes. For each class, I've indicated exactly what material you should have
completed reading by that date.
Introduction to the course
Tuesday, Sept.
3: CLASS IS CANCELLED (UBC “Imagine” day)
information about “Imagine” events in Psychology, go here]
Thursday, Sept. 5: Introduction to
“Evolutionary Psychology”
Reading: Course syllabus (which you’ll find on the course website)
Tuesday, Sept. 10: Logical principles
underlying evolutionary psychology
Part 1: Gene’s-eye view of human cognition
and behavior
Thursday, Sept. 12: The gene’s-eye
view of life
Reading: Dawkins,
Chapters 1 and 2
Tuesday, Sept. 17: Good genes
Reading: Dawkins,
Chapter 3
Thursday, Sept. 19: Adapted cognition
Reading: Dawkins,
Chapter 4
Tuesday, Sept. 24: The social context of
adapted cognition
Reading: Dawkins,
Chapter 5
Thursday, Sept. 26: Inclusive fitness and
its implications
Reading: Dawkins,
Chapter 6
Tuesday, Oct. 1: MIDTERM EXAM 1
Part 2: Psychological adaptations pertaining to
survival and sexual reproduction
Thursday, Oct. 3: Looking back
new readings assigned]
Tuesday, Oct. 8: Looking forward
(Evolution and motivation)
Reading: Kenrick
(2016). Rate yourself on the new
motivational pyramid:
Thursday, Oct. 10: Better safe than sorry
(Error management)
Tuesday, Oct. 15: The behavioral immune
Thursday, Oct. 17: Parental (and
grandparental) investment
Chapters 7 and 8
Oct. 22: Parental investment and sex differences in sexual behavior
Reading: Dawkins,
Chapter 9
Thursday, Oct. 24: Mate preferences
Tuesday, Oct. 29: Choosy women, show-off-y
Thursday, Oct. 31: Beyond sexual stereotypes
(Focus on female short-term mating)
Part 3: Other challenges, other adaptations,
other implications
Thursday, Nov. 7: More kinship (Focus on
kin-recognition cues)
Tuesday, Nov. 12: More parental investment
(Focus on psychological mechanisms)
Thursday, Nov. 14: Reciprocity and
Reading: Dawkins,
Chapter 10
Tuesday, Nov. 19: Emotions and
emotional expressions
Thursday, Nov. 21: Intergroup conflict
[No new readings
Tuesday, Nov. 26: Evolution and culture
Reading: Dawkins,
Chapter 11
Thursday, Nov. 28: The perils and
prospects of evolutionary psychology
Optional Reading: Lewis,
D. G. M., Al-Shawaf, L., Conroy-Beam, D., Asao, K.,
& Buss, D. M. (2017). Evolutionary psychology: A how-to guide. American
Psychologist, 72, 353–373.
(Buchanan A101 and A103)