Social Psychology of Prejudice:

Historical and Contemporary Issues


Christian S. Crandall & Mark Schaller (Editors)


Copyright 2005

Lewinian Press


The copyright for these works is held by the authors the individual chapters.

They have unanimously and generously agreed to waive all royalties,

and encourage the reproduction of these chapters for readers.

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Table of Contents:


Chapter 1. The Social Science Study of American

Race Relations in the 20th Century

By Thomas F. Pettigrew


Chapter 2. Implicit Power Brokers:

Benevolent Barriers to Gender Equity

By Laurie A. Rudman


Chapter 3. Understanding and Addressing Racial Bias:

Insights from Allport

By John F. Dovidio, Kerry Kawakami, Samuel L. Gaertner,

Marleen ten Vergert, Gordon Hodson, and Rossella Falvo


Chapter 4. Ethnocentrism and Prejudice: A Search for Universals

By Marilynn B. Brewer


Chapter 5. Historical and Modern Perspectives on Group Competition

By Victoria M. Esses, John F. Dovidio, Henry A. Sanso, Lynne, M. Jackson,

and Anotinette Semenya


Chapter 6. Intergroup Contact:

Still our Best Hope for Improving Intergroup Relations

By Stephen C. Wright, Salena M. Brody, and Art Aron


Chapter 7. The Substance of Prejudice:

Biological- and Social-evolutionary Perspectives on

Cognition, Culture, and the Contents of Stereotypical Beliefs

By Mark Schaller and Lucian Gideon Conway, III


Chapter 8. Prejudice as Social Norms

By Gretchen B. Sechrist, Charles Stangor, and Melanie Killen


Chapter 9. Values and Prejudice

By Monica Biernat and Theresa K. Vescio


Chapter 10. Seeing Race

By Jennifer L. Eberhardt and Phillip Atiba Goff


Chapter 11. The Justification-Suppression Model of Prejudice:

An Approach to the History of Prejudice Research

By Christian S. Crandall and Amy Eshleman



Autobiographical Reflections:


Thomas F. Pettigrew:

How I Became a Race Relations Specialist


Laurie A. Rudman:

How I Came to be a Prejudice Researcher


John F. Dovidio:

Why I Started Studying Prejudice


Victoria M. Esses:

How I Became a Prejudice Researcher


Stephen C. Wright:

Thanks to �Old� Friends! Retrospections and Speculation About Why I Study Prejudice


Mark Schaller:

How I Got Interested in Stereotypes and Prejudices


Charles Stangor:

Autobigraphical Account


Monica Biernat:

My Start on Stereotyping and Prejudice


Christian S. Crandall:

I Accidentally Became a Prejudice Researcher


James M. Jones:

Growing Up Black in America: Where My Interest in Prejudice Came From