Published Papers and Book Chapters by Category
Evolution of Societal Complexity and Cultural Evolution (top)
- Richerson, P., & J. Henrich (2012). Tribal Social Instincts and the Cultural Evolution of Institutions to Solve Collective Action Problems. Cliodynamics 3(1), 38-80.

- Henrich, J., Boyd, R., & P. J. Richerson (2012) The Puzzle of Monogamous Marriage. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 367 (1589), 657-669.

- Henrich, J. (2009) The Evolution of Innovation-Enhancing Institutions. In Innovation in Cultural Systems: Contributions from Evolutionary Anthropology. Altenberg Workshops in Theoretical Biology. Edited by Stephen Shennan and Michael O’Brien.

- Shariff, A.F., Norenzayan, A. & J. Henrich (2009) The Birth of High Gods: How the cultural evolution of supernatural policing agents influenced the emergence of complex, cooperative human societies, paving the way for civilization. In Evolution, culture and the human mind, edited by M. Schaller, A. Norenzayan, S. Heine, T. Yamagishi, & T. Kameda. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

- Henrich, J., & R. Boyd (2008) Division of Labor, Economic Specialization and the Evolution of Social Stratification. Current Anthropology, 49(4), (715-724).

- Henrich, J. (2006) Cooperation, Punishment, and the Evolution of Human Institutions. Science, 312: 60-61.

- Henrich, J., McElreath, R., Barr, A., Ensimger, J., Barrett, C., Bolyanatz, A., Cardenas, J.C., Gurven, M., Gwako, E., Henrich, N., Lesorogol, C., Marlowe, F., Tracer, D., & J. Ziker (2006) Costly Punishment Across Human Societies. Science, 312: 1767- 1770.
[Supplemental Materials] [News and Views in Science].
- Henrich, J. (2006) Understanding Cultural Evolutionary Models: A Reply to Read's Critique. American Antiquity.

- Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles,S., Gintis,H., Fehr, E., Camerer, C., McElreath, R., Gurven, M., Hill, K., Barr, A. , Ensminger, J., Tracer, D., Marlow, F., Patton, J., Alvard, M., Gil-White F., & N. Henrich (2005) ‘Economic Man’ in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Ethnography and Experiments from 15 small-scale societies. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28, 795-855.
[with Target, Commentaries and Reply]
- Henrich, J. (2004) Demography and Cultural Evolution: Why adaptive cultural processes produced maladaptive losses in Tasmania. American Antiquity, 69 (2): 197-21.

- Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Camerer, C. Fehr, E., Gintis, H. & R. McEleath (2004) Overview and Synthesis. In Foundations of Human Sociality: Economic Experiments and Ethnographic Evidence from Fifteen Small-Scale Societies, edited by Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Gintis, H., Fehr, E., and Camerer, C. Oxford University Press.
- Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Camerer, C., Fehr, E., Gintis, H., & R. McEleath (2004) Introduction and Guide to the Volume. In Foundations of Human Sociality: Economic Experiments and Ethnographic Evidence from Fifteen Small-Scale Societies, edited by Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Gintis, H., Fehr, E., and Camerer, C. Oxford University Press.
- Henrich, J. (2004) Cultural Group Selection, Coevolutionary Processes and Large-scale Cooperation. At target article in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 53: 3-35 and 127-143.
[Complete with Commentaries and Reply].
- Henrich, J., & N. Smith (2004) Comparative experimental evidence from Machiguenga, Mapuche, Huinca & American populations shows substantial variation among social groups in bargaining and public goods behavior. In Foundations of Human Sociality: Economic Experiments and Ethnographic Evidence from Fifteen Small-Scale Societies, edited by Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Gintis, H., Fehr, E. and Camerer, C. Oxford University Press.
- Henrich, J., Young, P., Smith, E., Bowles, S., Richerson, P., Hopfensitz, A., Sigmund K., & F. Weissing (2003) The Culture and Genetic Origins of Human Cooperation. In Genetic and Culture Evolution of Cooperation edited by Peter Hammerstein. MIT Press.
- Richerson, P., Boyd R., & J. Henrich (2003) The Cultural Evolution of Cooperation. In Genetic and Culture Evolution of Cooperation edited by Peter Hammerstein. MIT Press.

- Fehr, E. & J. Henrich (2003) Is Strong Reciprocity a Maladaptation. In Genetic and Culture Evolution of Cooperation edited by Peter Hammerstein. MIT Press.

- Henrich, J. & R. Boyd (2002) On Modeling Cognition and Culture: Why replicators are not necessary for cultural evolution. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 2(2): 87-112.

- Henrich, J. & R. McElreath (2002) Are Peasants Risk Averse Decision-Makers. Current Anthropology. 43(1): 172-181.
(Internet Enhancements)
- Henrich J., & R. McElreath (2002) Reply to Kuznar’s comment on our “Are Peasants Risk Averse Decision-Makers." Current Anthropology.

- Henrich, J. (2001) Cultural Transmission and the Diffusion of Innovations: Adoption dynamics indicate that biased cultural transmission is the predominate force in behavioral change and much of sociocultural evolution. American Anthropologist, 103: 992-1013.

- Henrich, J. (2001) On Risk Preferences and Curvilinear Utility Curves: A comment on Kuznar's piece. Current Anthropology, 42(5): 711.

- Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Camerer, C., Gintis, H., McElreath, R., & E. Fehr (2001) In search of Homo economicus: Experiments in 15 Small-Scale Societies. American Economic Review, 91(2), 73-79.

- Henrich, J., & R. Boyd (2001) Why people punish defectors: conformist transmission stabilizes costly enforcement of norms in cooperative dilemmas. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 208, 79-89.

- Henrich, J. (2000) Does culture matter in economic behavior? Ultimatum game bargaining among the Machiguenga. American Economic Review, 90(4): 973-979
(or, get the uncut version)
- Henrich, J. (1997) Market Incorporation, Agricultural Change and Sustainability among the Machiguenga Indians of the Peruvian Amazon. Human Ecology, 25(2): 319-351.

Evolution of Social Norms and Cooperation (top)
- House, B., Henrich, J., Sarnecka, B., & J. B. Silk (2013). The Development of Contingent Reciprocity in Children. Evolution and Human Behavior.

- House, B.R., Henrich, J, Brosnan, S.F., & J.B. Silk (2012). The ontogeny of human prosociality: behavioral experiments with children aged 3 to 8. Evolution and Human Behavior, 33, 291-308 .

- Henrich, J., Boyd, R., McElreath, R., Gurven, M., Richerson, P. J., Ensminger, J., Alvard, M., Barr, A., Barrett, H. C., Bolyanatz, A., Camerer, C. F., Cardenas, J-C., Fehr, E., Gintis, H. M., Gil-White, F., Gwako, E. L., Henrich, N., Hill, K., Lesorogol, C., Patton, J. Q., Marlowe, F. W., Tracer., D. P., & J. Ziker (2012). Reply to van Hoorn: Converging lines of evidence. Proceedings of the National Acadamey of Sciences of the United States of America.

- Henrich, J., Boyd, R., & P. J. Richerson (2012) The Puzzle of Monogamous Marriage. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 367 (1589), 657-669.
- Henrich, J., & M. Chudek (2012) Understanding the research program. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35 (1), 29-30.

- Henrich, J. (2012) Hunter-gatherer cooperation. Nature, 481, 449-450 .
- Henrich, J., Boyd, R., & P.J. Richerson (2012) The Puzzle of Monogamous Marriage. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 367 (1589), 657-669.

- Boyd, R., Richerson P. J., & J. Henrich (2011) Rapid cultural adaptation can facilitate the evolution of large-scale cooperation. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 65, 431-444
- Atran, S., & J. Henrich (2010) The Evolution of Religion: How cognitive by-products, adaptive learning heuristics, ritual displays, and group competition generate deep commitments to prosocial religions. Biological Theory: Integrating Development, Evolution, and Cognition.
- Henrich, J., Ensimger, J., McElreath, R., Barr, A., Barrett, C., Bolyanatz, A., Cardenas, J. C., Gurven, M., Gwako, E., Henrich, N., Lesorogol, C., Marlowe, F., Tracer, D., & J. Ziker (2010)
Evolution of Fairness (Reply). Science, 329, 388-390.

- Henrich, J., Ensimger, J., McElreath, R., Barr, A., Barrett, C., Bolyanatz, A., Cardenas, J. C., Gurven, M., Gwako, E., Henrich, N., Lesorogol, C., Marlowe, F., Tracer, D., & J. Ziker (2010) Markets, Religion, Community Size, and the Evolution of Fairness and Punishment. Science, 327, 1480-1484.
[Supplemental Materials] [Science Perspective by Karla Hoff] [Audio File]
- Henrich, J. (2009) The evolution of costly displays, cooperation, and religion: Credibility enhancing displays and their implications for cultural evolution. Evolution and Human Behaviour, 30, 244-260.

- Shariff, A. F., Norenzayan, A., & J. Henrich (2009) The Birth of High Gods: How the cultural evolution of supernatural policing agents influenced the emergence of complex, cooperative human societies, paving the way for civilization. In Evolution, culture and the human mind, edited by M. Schaller, A. Norenzayan, S. Heine, T. Yamagishi, & T. Kameda. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

- O’Gorman, R., Henrich, J., & M. Van Vugt (2008) Constraining free riding in public goods games: designated solitary punishers can sustain human cooperation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

- Marlowe, F.W.,Berbesque, J. C., Barr, A., Barrett, C., Bolyanatz, A., Cardenas, J.C., Ensminger, J., Gurven, M., Gwako, E., Henrich, J., Henrich, N, Lesorogol, C., McElreath, R., & D. Tracer (2008) More 'altruistic' punishment in larger societies. Proceedings of the Royal Academy, 275, 587-590.
- Vonk, J., Sarah, Brosnan, S.F., Silk, J.B., Henrich, J., Richardson, A., Lambeth, S.P., Schapiro, S.J., & D.J. Povinelli (2008) Chimpanzees do not take advantage of very low cost opportunities to deliver food to unrelated group members. Animal Behavior, 75, 1757-1770.

- Henrich, J. (2008) A Cultural Species. In Explaining Culture Scientifically, edited by Melissa Brown. University of Washington Press.
for longer (better) version click here
- Henrich, J. (2007) Behavioral Data, Cultural Group Selection, and Genetics. Psychological Inquiry, 18.

- Henrich, J. (2006) Cooperation, Punishment, and the Evolution of Human Institutions. Science, 312: 60-61.

- Henrich, J., McElreath, R., Barr, A., Ensimger, J., Barrett, C., Bolyanatz, A., Cardenas, J.C., Gurven, M., Gwako, E., Henrich, N., Lesorogol, C., Marlowe, F., Tracer, D.,& J. Ziker (2006) Costly Punishment Across Human Societies. Science, 312: 1767- 1770.
[Supplemental Materials] [News and Views in Science].
- Henrich, J. & N. Henrich (2006) Culture, Evolution and the Puzzle of Human Cooperation. Cognitive Systems Research, 7 (221-245).

- Hrushka, D. & J. Henrich (2006) Friendship, cliquishness, and the emergence of cooperation. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 239(1): 1-15.

- Silk, J.B., Brosnan, S.F., Vonk, J., Henrich, J., Povinelli, D.J., Richardson, A.S., Lambeth, S.P., Mascaro, J., & S.J. Shapiro (2005) Chimpanzees are indifferent to the welfare of unrelated group members. Nature, 437: 1357- 1359.

- Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles,S., Gintis,H., Fehr, E., Camerer, C., McElreath, R., Gurven, M., Hill, K., Barr, A. , Ensminger, J., Tracer, D., Marlow, F., Patton, J., Alvard, M., Gil-White F., and N. Henrich (2005) ‘Economic Man’ in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Ethnography and Experiments from 15 small-scale societies. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28, 795-855.
[with Target, Commentaries and Reply]
- Henrich, J. (2004) Cultural Group Selection, Coevolutionary Processes and Large-scale Cooperation. At target article in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 53: 3-35 and 127-143.
[Complete with Commentaries and Reply].
- Henrich, J. (2004) Inequity Aversion in Capuchins? Nature, 428:139

- Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Camerer, C., Fehr, E., Gintis, H., & R. McEleath (2004) Introduction and Guide to the Volume. In Foundations of Human Sociality: Economic Experiments and Ethnographic Evidence from Fifteen Small-Scale Societies, edited by Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Gintis, H., Fehr, E., and Camerer, C. Oxford University Press.
- Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Camerer, C. Fehr, E., Gintis, H. & R. McEleath (2004) Overview and Synthesis. In Foundations of Human Sociality: Economic Experiments and Ethnographic Evidence from Fifteen Small-Scale Societies, edited by Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Gintis, H., Fehr, E., and Camerer, C. Oxford University Press.
- Henrich, J., & N. Smith (2004) Comparative experimental evidence from Machiguenga, Mapuche, Huinca & American populations shows substantial variation among social groups in bargaining and public goods behavior. In Foundations of Human Sociality: Economic Experiments and Ethnographic Evidence from Fifteen Small-Scale Societies, edited by Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Gintis, H., Fehr, E. and Camerer, C. Oxford University Press.
- Henrich, J., Young, P., Smith, E., Bowles, S., Richerson, P., Hopfensitz, A., Sigmund K., & F. Weissing (2003) The Culture and Genetic Origins of Human Cooperation. In Genetic and Culture Evolution of Cooperation edited by Peter Hammerstein. MIT Press.
- Richerson, P., Boyd R., & J. Henrich (2003) The Cultural Evolution of Cooperation. In Genetic and Culture Evolution of Cooperation edited by Peter Hammerstein. MIT Press.

- Fehr, E. & J. Henrich (2003) Is Strong Reciprocity a Maladaptation. In Genetic and Culture Evolution of Cooperation edited by Peter Hammerstein. MIT Press.

- Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Camerer, C., Gintis, H., McElreath, R., & E. Fehr (2001) In search of Homo economicus: Experiments in 15 Small-Scale Societies. American Economic Review, 91(2), 73-79.
- Henrich, J., & R. Boyd (2001) Why people punish defectors: conformist transmission stabilizes costly enforcement of norms in cooperative dilemmas. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 208, 79-89.

- Henrich, J. (2000) Does culture matter in economic behavior? Ultimatum game bargaining among the Machiguenga. American Economic Review, 90(4): 973-979
(or, get the uncut version)
Evolution of Social Status (Prestige and Dominance) (top)
- Cheng, J. T., Tracy, J. L., Foulsham, T., Kingstone, A., & J. Henrich (2013). Two ways to the top: Evidence that dominance and prestige are distinct yet viable avenues to social rank and influence. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104, 103–125.

Tracy, J. L., Shariff, A. F., Zhao, W., & J. Henrich (2013). Cross-Cultural Evidence that the Nonverbal Expression of Pride is an Automatic Status Signal. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142, 163-180 . [Supplemental Materials]
- Chudek, M., Heller, S., Birch, S. & J. Henrich (2012) Prestige-Biased Cultural Learning:Bystander’s Differential Attention to Potential Models Influences Children’s Learning. Evolution and Human Behavior, 33, 46-56. .

- Chudek, M. & J. Henrich (2011) Culture-gene coevolution, norm-psychology and the emergence of human prosociality. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.15(5),218-226.
- Foulsham, T., Cheng, J., Tracy, J., Henrich, J., & A. Kingstone (2010) Gaze Allocation in a Dynamic Situation: Effects of Social Status and Speaking. Cognition, 117, 319-331.

- Cheng, J. T., Tracy, J. L., & J. Henrich (2010) Pride, Personality, and the Evolutionary Foundations of Human Social Status. Evolution and Human Behavior. 31(5), 334-347.

- Shariff, A.F., Tracy, J. L., Cheng, J. T., & J. Henrich (2010) Further thoughts on the evolution of pride's two facets: A response to Clark. Emotion Review, 2(4), 399-400. (author response to commentaries).

- Henrich, J.& F. Gil-White (2001) The Evolution of Prestige: freely conferred status as a mechanism for enhancing the benefits of cultural transmission. Evolution and Human Behavior, 22, 1-32.

Religion (top)
Laurin, K., Shariff, A., Henrich, J., and A. C. Kay (2012). Outsourcing punishment to god: Beliefs in divine control reduce earthly punishment. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
- Gervais, W. M., Willard, A.K., Norenzayan, A.& J. Henrich (2011) The Cultural Transmission of Faith: Why innate intuitions are necessary, but insufficient, to explain religious belief. Religion, 41, 389-410.

- Gervais, W., & J. Henrich (2010) The Zeus Problem: Why Representational Content Biases Cannot Explain Faith in Gods. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 10, (383-389).

- Atran, S., & J. Henrich (2010) The Evolution of Religion: How cognitive by-products, adaptive learning heuristics, ritual displays, and group competition generate deep commitments to prosocial religions. Biological Theory: Integrating Development, Evolution, and Cognition.
- Henrich, J., Ensimger, J., McElreath, R., Barr, A., Barrett, C., Bolyanatz, A., Cardenas, J. C., Gurven, M., Gwako, E., Henrich, N., Lesorogol, C., Marlowe, F., Tracer, D., & J. Ziker (2010)
Evolution of Fairness (Reply). Science, 329, 388-390.

- Henrich, J., Ensimger, J., McElreath, R., Barr, A., Barrett, C., Bolyanatz, A., Cardenas, J. C., Gurven, M., Gwako, E., Henrich, N., Lesorogol, C., Marlowe, F., Tracer, D., & J. Ziker (2010) Markets, Religion, Community Size, and the Evolution of Fairness and Punishment. Science, 327, 1480-1484.
[Supplemental Materials] [Science Perspective by Karla Hoff] [Audio File]
- Henrich, J. (2009) The evolution of costly displays, cooperation, and religion: Credibility enhancing displays and their implications for cultural evolution. Evolution and Human Behaviour, 30, 244-260.

- Shariff, A.F., Norenzayan, A. & J. Henrich (2009) The Birth of High Gods: How the cultural evolution of supernatural policing agents influenced the emergence of complex, cooperative human societies, paving the way for civilization. In Evolution, culture and the human mind, edited by M. Schaller, A. Norenzayan, S. Heine, T. Yamagishi, & T. Kameda. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Methodological Contributions and Population Variations (top)
- Hruschka, D. J., & J. Henrich (2013). Institutions, parasites and the persistence of in-group preferences. PLoS ONE 8(5): e63642.

- Barrett, H. C., Broesch, T., Scott, R. M., He, Z., Baillargeon, R., Wu, D., Bolz, M., Henrich, J., Setoh, P., Wang, J., & S. Laurence (2013). Early false-belief understanding in traditional non-Western socities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 280, 20122654.

- Henrich, J., Boyd, R., McElreath, R., Gurven, M., Richerson, P. J., Ensminger, J., Alvard, M., Barr, A., Barrett, C., Bolyanatz, C. F., Cardenas, J-C., Fehr, E., Gintis, H. M., Gil-White, F., Gwako, E. L., Henrich, N., Hill, K., Lesorogol, C., Patton, J. Q., Marlowe, F. W., Tracer, D. P., & J. Ziker (2012) Culture does account for variation in game behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(2), E32-E33.
We have also provided a full length version of our reply to Lamba and Mace[Extended Online Commentary]
- Henrich, J., Heine, S. J., & A. Norenzayan (2010). Most people are not WEIRD. Nature, 466, 29.

- Henrich, J., Heine, S. & A. Norenzayan (2010) The Weirdest People in the World? Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
[Audio File Part I] [Audio File Part II] [Coverage in Science]
- Broesch, T., Callaghan T., Henrich, J., Murphy, C. & P. Rochat (2010) Cultural Variations in Children’s Mirror Self-Recognition. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.

- Heine, S., Takemoto, T., Moskalenko, S., Lasaleta, J., & J. Henrich (2008) Mirrors in the head: Cultural variation in objective self-awareness. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34, 879-887.

- McCauley, R. & J. Henrich (2006) Susceptibility to the Muller-Lyer Illusion, Theory-Neutral Observation, and the Diachronic Penetrability of the Visual Input System. Philosophical Psychology, 19(1):1-23.

- Henrich, J. & R. McElreath (2002) Are Peasants Risk Averse Decision-Makers. Current Anthropology. 43(1): 172-181.
(Internet Enhancements)
- Henrich, J. (2002). Decision-making, cultural transmission and adaptation in economic anthropology. In Theory in Economic Anthropology edited by Jean Ensminger. AltaMira Press, 251-295.

- Henrich, J. (2001) Challenges for everyone: real people, deception, one-shot games, social learning, and computers. Commentary on Hertwig and Ortmann for Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24 (3).

- Henrich, J. (2001) Cultural Transmission and the Diffusion of Innovations: Adoption dynamics indicate that biased cultural transmission is the predominate force in behavioral change and much of sociocultural evolution. American Anthropologist, 103: 992-1013.

Overviews (top)
- Boyd, R., Richerson, P.J., & J. Henrich (2011)The Cultural Niche: Why social learning is essential for human adaptation.. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States. 108, 10918-10925.
- Richerson, P. J., Boyd, R., & J. Henrich (2010) Gene-culture Coevolution in the Age of
Genomics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, 8985-8992

- Henrich, J., Boyd, R. & P. Richerson (2008) Five Misunderstandings about Cultural Evolution. Human Nature.

- Henrich, J. (2008) A Cultural Species. In Explaining Culture Scientifically, edited by Melissa Brown. University of Washington Press.
for longer (better) version click here
- Henrich, J. & R. McElreath (2007) Dual Inheritance Theory: The Evolution of Human Cultural Capacities and Cultural Evolution. In Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, edited by Robin Dunbar and Louise Barrett. Oxford University Press.
- McElreath, R. & J. Henrich (2007) Modeling Cultural Evolution. In Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, edited by Robin Dunbar and Louise Barrett. Oxford University Press.

- Henrich, J. (2004) Cultural Group Selection, Coevolutionary Processes and Large-scale Cooperation. At target article in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 53: 3-35 and 127-143.
[Complete with Commentaries and Reply].
- Henrich, J., & R. McElreath (2003) The Evolution of Cultural Evolution. Evolutionary Anthropology, 12 (3): 123-135.

- Henrich, J. & R. Boyd (2002) On Modeling Cognition and Culture: Why replicators are not necessary for cultural evolution. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 2(2): 87-112.

Cultural Learning (Models and Evidence) (top)
- Chudek, M., Brosseau-Liard, P., Birch, S., & J. Henrich (2013) Culture-gene coevolutionary theory and children’s selective social learning. In Navigating the social world: What infants, children, and other species can teach us, edited by M. R. Banaji and S. A. Gelman. Oxford University Press.

- Kline, M., Boyd, R., & J. Henrich (forthcoming). Teaching and the Life History of Cultural Transmission in Fijian Villages. Human Nature.
- Nakahashi W., Wakano, J. & J. Henrich (2012). Adaptive social learning strategies in temporally and spatially varying environments. Human Nature, 23, 386-418.

- Chudek, M., Heller, S., Birch, S. & J. Henrich (2012) Prestige-Biased Cultural Learning:Bystander’s Differential Attention to Potential Models Influences Children’s Learning. Evolution and Human Behavior, 33, 46-56. .

- Chudek, M. & J. Henrich (2011) Culture-gene coevolution, norm-psychology and the emergence of human prosociality. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.15(5),218-226.
- Henrich, J. & J. Broesch (2011) On the nature of cultural transmission networks: Evidence from Fijian villages for adaptive learning biases. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 366, 1139-1148.
[Data Supplement] [Talk at the Royal Society MP3 ]
- Henrich, J., & N. Henrich (2010) The Evolution of Cultural Adaptations: Fijian food taboos protect against dangerous marine toxins. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, 277, 3715-3724.
[Data Supplement]
- Henrich, J., & F. Gil-White (2001) The Evolution of Prestige: freely conferred status as a mechanism for enhancing the benefits of cultural transmission. Evolution and Human Behavior, 22, 1-32.

- Henrich, J., Young, P., Boyd, R., McCabe, K., Albers, W., Ockenfels, A., & G. Gigerenzer (2001). “What is the Role of Culture in Bounded Rationality?” In Bounded Rationality: The Adaptive Toolbox, edited by G. Gigerenzer and R. Selten. MIT Press.

- Henrich, J. & R. Boyd (1998) The evolution of conformist transmission and between-group differences. Evolution and Human Behavior, 19: 215-242.

Ethnography(Fiji, Machiguenga, Mapuche) (top)
- McKerracher, L., M. Collard, M., & J. Henrich (forthcoming). Food Aversions and Cravings during Pregnancy on Yasawa Island, Fiji. Human Nature.
- Henrich, J. & J. Broesch (2011) On the nature of cultural transmission networks: Evidence from Fijian villages for adaptive learning biases. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 366, 1139-1148.
[Data Supplement] [Talk at the Royal Society MP3 ]
- Henrich, J.& N. Henrich (2010) The Evolution of Cultural Adaptations: Fijian food taboos protect against dangerous marine toxins. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, 277, 3715-3724.
[Data Supplement]
- Henrich, J., Ensimger, J., McElreath, R., Barr, A., Barrett, C., Bolyanatz, A., Cardenas, J. C., Gurven, M., Gwako, E., Henrich, N., Lesorogol, C., Marlowe, F., Tracer, D., & J. Ziker (2010)
Evolution of Fairness (Reply). Science, 329, 388-390.

- Henrich, J., Ensimger, J., McElreath, R., Barr, A., Barrett, C., Bolyanatz, A., Cardenas, J. C., Gurven, M., Gwako, E., Henrich, N., Lesorogol, C., Marlowe, F., Tracer, D., & J. Ziker (2010) Markets, Religion, Community Size, and the Evolution of Fairness and Punishment. Science, 327, 1480-1484.
[Supplemental Materials] [Science Perspective by Karla Hoff] [Audio File]
- Henrich, J., McElreath, R., Barr, A., Ensimger, J., Barrett, C., Bolyanatz, A., Cardenas, J.C., Gurven, M., Gwako, E., Henrich, N., Lesorogol, C., Marlowe, F., Tracer, D., & J. Ziker (2006) Costly Punishment Across Human Societies. Science, 312: 1767- 1770.
[Supplemental Materials] [News and Views in Science]
- Henrich, J., & N. Smith (2004) Comparative experimental evidence from Machiguenga, Mapuche, Huinca & American populations shows substantial variation among social groups in bargaining and public goods behavior. In Foundations of Human Sociality: Economic Experiments and Ethnographic Evidence from Fifteen Small-Scale Societies, edited by Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Gintis, H., Fehr, E. and Camerer, C. Oxford University Press.
- Henrich, J.(2000) Does culture matter in economic behavior? Ultimatum game bargaining among the Machiguenga. American Economic Review, 90(4): 973-979
(or, get the uncut version)
- Henrich, J. (1997) Market Incorporation, Agricultural Change and Sustainability among the Machiguenga Indians of the Peruvian Amazon. Human Ecology, 25(2): 319-351.

Chimpanzee Sociality (top)
- Silk, J., Brosnan, S. F., Henrich, J., Lambeth, S. P., & S. Shapiro (2013). Chimpanzees share food for many reasons: the role of kinship, reciprocity, social bonds, and harassment on food transfers. Animal Behaviour, 85, 941-947.
- Brosnan, S. F., Silk, J. B., Henrich, J.,
Mareno, M.C., Lambeth, S.P, & S.J. Schapiro (2009) Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) do not develop contingent reciprocity in an experimental task. Animal Cognition, 12, 317-33.

- Vonk, J., Sarah, Brosnan, S.F., Silk, J.B., Henrich, J., Richardson, A., Lambeth, S.P., Schapiro, S.J., & D.J. Povinelli (2008) Chimpanzees do not take advantage of very low cost opportunities to deliver food to unrelated group members. Animal Behavior, 75, 1757-1770.

- Silk, J.B., Brosnan, S.F., Vonk, J., Henrich, J., Povinelli, D.J., Richardson, A.S., Lambeth, S.P., Mascaro, J., & S.J. Shapiro (2005) Chimpanzees are indifferent to the welfare of unrelated group members. Nature, 437: 1357- 1359.

General Interest (top)
- Henrich, J. (2012, Oct 10). Economic Markets and Human Fairness: How Trading With Others Makes Us Treat Them Better. Being Human.

- Henrich, J. (2011) A cultural species: How culture drove human evolution. Psychological Science Agenda. Science Brief.
