Yasawa (Fiji) Papers
Project Overview with Images
- McKerracher, L., M. Collard, M., & J. Henrich (forthcoming). Food Aversions and Cravings during Pregnancy on Yasawa Island, Fiji. Human Nature.

- Broesch, T., Rochat, P., Olah, K., Broesch, J., Henrich, J. (forthcoming). Similarities and differences in maternal responsiveness in three societies: Evidence from Fiji, Kenya and US. Child Development.

- Chudek, M., McNamara, R., Birch, S., Bloom, P., and J. Henrich. Developmental and Cross-Cultural Evidence for Intuitive Dualism.

- Moya, C., Boyd, R., & Henrich, J. (forthcoming). Reasoning about cultural and genetic transmission: Developmental and cross-cultural evidence from Peru, Fiji, and the US on how people make inferences about trait and identity transmission. Topics in Cognitive Science.

- McKerracher, L., Collard, M., & Henrich, J. (2015). The expression and adaptive significance of pregnancy-related nausea, vomiting, and aversions on Yasawa Island, Fiji. Evolution and Human Behavior, 36(2): 95-102.

- Henrich, J. and N. Henrich (2014) Fairness without Punishment: Behavioral Experiments in the Yasawa Islands, Fiji. In Fairness and Punishment in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Edited by J. Ensminger and J. Henrich.
- Hruschka, D., Efferson, C., Jiang, T., Falletta-Cowden, A., Sigurdsson, S., McNamara, R., Sands, M., Munira, S., Slingerland, E., and J. Henrich. (2014). Impartial Institutions, Pathogen Stress and the Expanding Social Network. Human Nature, doi: 10.1007/s12110-014-9217-0.

- McNamara, R., Norenzayan, A., & J. Henrich. (2014). Which God is Watching? Divine Punishment, Material Insecurity, and In-Group Favoritism in Yasawa, Fiji. Religion, Brain and Behaviour, (ahead-of-print): 1-22

- Broesch, J., Barrett, H. C., & Henrich, J. (2014). Adaptive Content Biases in Learning about Animals across the Life Course. Human Nature, 1-19.

Henrich, J. and N. Henrich (2014) Fairness without Punishment: Behavioral Experiments in the Yasawa Islands, Fiji. In Fairness and Punishment in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Edited by J. Ensminger and J. Henrich.
Tracy, J. L., Shariff, A. F., Zhao, W., & J. Henrich (2013). Cross-Cultural Evidence that the Nonverbal Expression of Pride is an Automatic Status Signal. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142: 163-180 . [Supplemental Materials]
- Kline, M., Boyd, R., & Henrich, J. (2013). Teaching and the Life History of Cultural Transmission in Fijian Villages. Human Nature.

- Henrich, J. & J. Broesch (2011) On the nature of cultural transmission networks: Evidence from Fijian villages for adaptive learning biases. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 366, 1139-1148.
[Data Supplement] [Talk at the Royal Society MP3 ]
- Henrich, J.& N. Henrich (2010) The Evolution of Cultural Adaptations: Fijian food taboos protect against dangerous marine toxins. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, 277, 3715-3724.
[Data Supplement]