University of British Columbia
Deartment of Psychology Department of Economics
Published and Forthcoming Books
Book Chapters



Grants and Reearch Projects

Culture Cognition and Coevolution Lab



Yasawa (Fiji) Papers

Project Overview with Images

  1. McKerracher, L., M. Collard, M., & J. Henrich (forthcoming). Food Aversions and Cravings during Pregnancy on Yasawa Island, Fiji. Human Nature. PDF

  2. Broesch, T., Rochat, P., Olah, K., Broesch, J., Henrich, J. (forthcoming). Similarities and differences in maternal responsiveness in three societies: Evidence from Fiji, Kenya and US. Child Development. PDF

  3. Chudek, M., McNamara, R., Birch, S., Bloom, P., and J. Henrich. Developmental and Cross-Cultural Evidence for Intuitive Dualism. PDF

  4. Moya, C., Boyd, R., & Henrich, J. (forthcoming). Reasoning about cultural and genetic transmission: Developmental and cross-cultural evidence from Peru, Fiji, and the US on how people make inferences about trait and identity transmission. Topics in Cognitive Science. PDF

  5. McKerracher, L., Collard, M., & Henrich, J. (2015). The expression and adaptive significance of pregnancy-related nausea, vomiting, and aversions on Yasawa Island, Fiji. Evolution and Human Behavior, 36(2): 95-102. PDF

  6. Henrich, J. and N. Henrich (2014) Fairness without Punishment: Behavioral Experiments in the Yasawa Islands, Fiji. In Fairness and Punishment in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Edited by J. Ensminger and J. Henrich. PDF

  7. Hruschka, D., Efferson, C., Jiang, T., Falletta-Cowden, A., Sigurdsson, S., McNamara, R., Sands, M., Munira, S., Slingerland, E., and J. Henrich. (2014). Impartial Institutions, Pathogen Stress and the Expanding Social Network. Human Nature, doi: 10.1007/s12110-014-9217-0. PDF

  8. McNamara, R., Norenzayan, A., & J. Henrich. (2014). Which God is Watching? Divine Punishment, Material Insecurity, and In-Group Favoritism in Yasawa, Fiji. Religion, Brain and Behaviour, (ahead-of-print): 1-22 PDF

  9. Broesch, J., Barrett, H. C., & Henrich, J. (2014). Adaptive Content Biases in Learning about Animals across the Life Course. Human Nature, 1-19. PDF

  10. Henrich, J. and N. Henrich (2014) Fairness without Punishment: Behavioral Experiments in the Yasawa Islands, Fiji. In Fairness and Punishment in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Edited by J. Ensminger and J. Henrich.PDF 

  11. Tracy, J. L., Shariff, A. F., Zhao, W., & J. Henrich (2013). Cross-Cultural Evidence that the Nonverbal Expression of Pride is an Automatic Status Signal. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142: 163-180. PDF [Supplemental Materials]

  12. Kline, M., Boyd, R., & Henrich, J. (2013). Teaching and the Life History of Cultural Transmission in Fijian Villages. Human Nature. PDF

  13. Henrich, J. & J. Broesch (2011) On the nature of cultural transmission networks: Evidence from Fijian villages for adaptive learning biases. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 366, 1139-1148. PDF  [Data Supplement] [Talk at the Royal Society MP3 ] 

  14. Henrich, J.& N. Henrich (2010) The Evolution of Cultural Adaptations: Fijian food taboos protect against dangerous marine toxins. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences277, 3715-3724. PDF [Data Supplement]











