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of publications please see My Google Scholar Page.
(* student/trainee author)
In press
Chartrand, H., Tefft, B., Sareen, J., Hiebert-Murphy, D., Katz, L. Y., Klonsky, E. D., Wang, Y., Kim, H., & Bolton, J. M. (in press). A Longitudinal study of correlates, discharge disposition, and rate of re-presentation to emergency services of adults who engage in non-suicidal self-injury. Archives of Suicide Research. (Article -- link not available)
Klonsky, E.D., Pachkowski, M.C., Shahnaz, A., & May, A.M. (2021). The three-step theory of suicide: Description, evidence, and some useful points of clarification. Preventive Medicine, 162, 106549. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D., Dixon-Luinenburg, T., & May, A.M. (2021). The critical distinction between suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. World Psychiatry, 20, 439-441. (Article)
Pachkowski, M.C., Hewitt, P.L., & Klonsky, E.D. (2021). Examining suicidal desire through the lens of the Three-Step Theory: A cross-sectional and longitudinal investigation in a community sample. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 89, 1-10. (Article)
Tsai, M., Lari, H., Saffy, S., & Klonsky, E. D. (2021). Examining the Three-Step Theory (3ST) of Suicide in a Prospective Study of Adult Psychiatric Inpatients. Behavior Therapy, 52, 673-685. (Article)
Miller, A.E., Racine, S.E., & Klonsky, E.D. (2021). Symptoms of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa have differential relationships to borderline personality disorder symptoms. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 29, 161-174. (Article)
O'Reilly, L. M., Pettersson, E., Donahue, K., Quinn, P. D., Klonsky, E. D., Lundstrom, S., ... & D'Onofrio, B. M. (2021). Sexual orientation and adolescent suicide attempt and self-harm: a co-twin control study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 62, 834-841. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. (2020). The role of theory for understanding and preventing suicide (but not predicting it): A commentary on Hjelmeland and Knizek. Death Studies, 44, 459-452. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D., Pachkowski, M.C., & Shahnaz, A. (2020). Understanding suicide to prevent suicide. The Behavior Therapist, 43, 339-343. (Article)
May, A.M., *Pachkowski, M.C., & Klonsky, E.D. (2020). Motivations for suicide: Converging evidence from clinical and community samples. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 123, 171-177. (Article)
Shahnaz, A., Bauer, B.W., Daruwala, S., & Klonsky, E.D. (2020). Exploring the scope and structure of suicide capability. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 50, 1230-1240. (Article -- link not available)
O'Reilly, L.M., Pettersson, E., Quinn, P.D., Klonsky, E.D., Lundstrom, S., Larsson, H., ... & D'Onofrio, B.M. (2020). The association between general childhood psychopathology and adolescent suicide attempt and self-harm: A prospective, population-based twin study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129, 364-375. (Article)
Bettis, A.H., Liu, R.T., Walsh, B.W., & Klonsky, E.D. (2020). Treatments for Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors in Youth: Progress and Challenges. Evidence-based practice in child and adolescent mental health, 5, 354-364. (Article -- link not available)
Vigfusdottir, J., Dale, K. Y., Gratz, K. L., Klonsky, E. D., Jonsbu, E., & Hoidal, R. (2020). The psychometric properties and clinical utility of the Norwegian versions of the deliberate self-harm inventory and the inventory of statements about self-injury. Current Psychology. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D., Victor, S.E., Hibbert, A.S., & Hajcak, G.(2019).
The Multidimensional Emotion Questionnaire (MEQ): Rationale and Initial Psychometric Properties.
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 41, 409-424.
(MEQ -- Measure)
Note: You may use the MEQ, no permission required.
*Pachkowski, M., May, A.M., Tsai,M., & Klonsky, E.D. (2019). A brief measure of unbearable psychache. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 49, 1721-1734. (Article)
Mars, B., Heron, J., Klonsky, E.D., Moran, P., O'Connor, R.C., Tilling, K., Wilkinson, P., & Gunnell, D. (2019). Predictors of future suicide attempt among adolescents with suicidal thoughts or non-suicidal self-harm: a population-based birth cohort study. The Lancet Psychiatry, 6, 327-337. (Article)
Dhingra, K., Klonsky, E.D., & Tapola, V. (2019). An empirical test of the Three-Step Theory of Suicide in U.K. university students. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. (Article)
Mars, B., Heron, J., Klonsky, E.D., Moran, P., O'Connor, R.C., Tilling, K., Wilkinson, P., & Gunnell, D. (2019). What distinguishes adolescents with suicidal thoughts from those who have attempted suicide? A population-based birth cohort study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (Article)
*Shahnaz, A., Saffer, B.Y., & Klonsky, E.D. (2019). Examining Time Perspective Orientation in Suicide Ideation and Suicide Attempts. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 38, 627-646. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. (2018). Toward a parsimonious understanding of suicide: Comparing Malhi and colleagues' Integrated Model to the Three-Step Theory. Bipolar Disorders, 20, 568-569. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D., *Saffer, B.Y., & Bryan, C.J. (2018). Ideation-to-action theories of suicide: A conceptual and empirical update. Current Opinion in Psychology, 22, 38-43. (Article)
*Saffer, B.Y. & Klonsky, E.D. (2018). Do Neurocognitive Abilities Distinguish Suicide Attempters from Suicide Ideators: A Systematic Review of an Emerging Research Area. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 25, e12227. (Article)
*Shahnaz, A., *Saffer, B.Y., & Klonsky, E.D. (2018). The relationship of perfectionism to suicide ideation and attempts in a large online sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 130, 117-121. (Article)
*Victor, S.E. & Klonsky, E.D. (2018). Understanding the social context of adolescent non-suicidal self-injury. Journal of Clinical Psychology. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D., *Qiu, T., & *Saffer, B.Y. (2017). Recent advances in differentiating suicide attempters from suicide ideators. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 30, 15-20. (Article)
Weinberg, A., May, A.M., Klonsky, E.D., Kotov, R., & Hajack, G. (2017). Decreased neural response to threat differentiates patients who have attempted suicide from non-attempters with current ideation. Clinical Psychological Science, 5, 952-963. (Article)
*Saffer, B.Y. & Klonsky, E.D. (2017). The relationship of self-reported executive functioning to suicide ideation and attempts: Findings from a large US-based online sample. Archives of Suicide Research, 21, 577-594. (Article)
*Victor, S.E., Davis, T., & Klonsky, E.D. (2017). Descriptive characteristics and initial psychometric properties of the
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Disorder Scale. Archives of Suicide Research, 21, 265-278.
(NSSIDS -- Measure)
*Qiu, T., Klonsky, E.D., & Klein, D.N. (2017). Hopelessness predicts suicide ideation but not attempts: A 10-Year longitudinal study. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 47, 718-722. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D., *May, A.M., & *Saffer, B.Y. (2016). Suicide, suicide attempts, and suicidal ideation. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 12, 307-330. (Article)
*May, A.M. & Klonsky, E.D. (2016). What distinguishes suicide attempters from suicide ideators? A meta-analysis of potential factors. Clinical Psychology: Science & Practice.
- Three commentaries: Bryan & Rudd,
Burke & Alloy,
Nock et al.
- Reply to Nock et al. Klonsky & May
*May, A.M. & Klonsky, E.D. (2016). "Impulsive" suicide attempts: What do we really mean? Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 7, 293-302. (Article)
*May, A.M., O'Brien, K., Liu, R.T., & Klonsky, E.D. (2016). Descriptive and psychometric properties of the Inventory of Motivations for Suicide Attempts (IMSA) in an inpatient adolescent sample. Archives of Suicide Research, 20, 467-482. (Article)
*Victor, S.E., & Klonsky, E.D. (2016). Validation of a brief version of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS-18) in five samples. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.
(DERS-18 -- Measure) Note: You may use the DERS-18, no permission required.
However, note that the original author of the DERS, Dr. Kim Gratz, has also developed a short version that you may find useful.
Dhingra, K., Boduszek, D., & Klonsky, E.D. (2016). Empirically derived subgroups of self-injurious thoughts and behaviour: Application of latent class analysis. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 46, 486-489. (Article)
Gardner, K., Dodsworth, J., & Klonsky, E.D. (2016). Reasons for non-suicidal self-harm in adult male offenders with and without borderline personality traits. Archives of Suicide Research, 20, 614-634. (Article)
*Chu, C., *Victor, S.E., & Klonsky, E.D. (2016). Characterizing positive and negative emotional experience in young adults with borderline personality disorder symptoms. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 72, 956-965. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. & *May, A.M. (2015). The Three-Step Theory (3ST): A new theory of suicide rooted in the "Ideation-to-Action" framework. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 8, 114-129. (Article)
Tolin, D.F., McKay, D., Forman, E.M., Klonsky, E.D., & Thombs, B.D. (2015). Empirically supported treatment: Recommendations for a new model. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D., Glenn, C.R., Styer, D.M., Olino, T.M., & Washburn, J.J. (2015). The functions of nonsuicidal self-injury: converging evidence for a two-factor structure. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 9(1), 1-9. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. and *May, A.M. (2015). Impulsivity and suicide risk: Review and clinical implications. Psychiatric Times, August, 13-20. (Article)
Tolin, D.F., Forman, E.M., Klonsky, E.D., McKay, D., & Thombs, B.D. (2015). Guidelines for identifying empirically supported treatments: Practical recommendations for clinical researchers and reviewers. The Clinical Psychologist, 68(3), 16-21. (Article)
*Saffer, B.Y., Klonsky, E.D., & Glenn, C.R. (2015). Clarifying the relationship of parental bonding to suicide ideation and attempts. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 45, 518-528. (Article)
Bryan, C.J., Bryan, A.O., *May, A.M., & Klonsky, E.D. (2015). Trajectories of suicide ideation, nonsuicidal self-injury, and suicide attempts in a nonclinical sample of military personnel and veterans. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 45, 315-325. (Article)
*Victor, S.E. & Klonsky, E.D. (2015). Self-injury. In R.L. Cautin, S.O. Lilienfeld (Eds.). The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Anestis, M.D., Bryan, C.J., *May, A.M., Law, K.C., Hagan, C.R., Bryan, A.O., Chu, C., Michaels, M.S., Selby, E.A., Klonsky, E.D. & Joiner, T.E. (2015). Dangerous words? An experimental investigation of the impact of detailed reporting about suicide on subsequent risk. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 71, 1031-1041. (Article)
*Saffer, B.Y., Lanting, S.C., Koehle, M.S., Klonsky, E.D., & Iverson, G.L. (in press). Assessing cognitive impairment using the PROMIS applied cognition-abilities scales in a medical outpatient sample. Psychiary Research, 226, 169-172. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. & *May, A.M. (2014). Differentiating suicide attempters from suicide ideators: A critical frontier for suicidology research. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 44, 1-5. (Article)
*Victor, S.E. & Klonsky, E.D. (2014). Correlates of suicide attempts among self-injurers: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 34, 282-297. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D., *Victor, S.E., & *Saffer, B.Y. (2014). Nonsuicidal self-injury: What we know and what we need to know. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 59, 565-568. (Article)
Tracy, J., Klonsky, E.D., & Proudfit, G.H. (2014). How affective science can inform clinical science: An introduction to the special series on emotions and psychopathology. Clinical Psychological Science, 2, 371-386. (Article)
*Victor, S.E. & Klonsky, E.D. (2014). Daily emotion in non-suicidal self-injury. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 70, 364-375. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. (2014). The future of empirically supported treatments: A comment on Coyne and Kok. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy, 14, 129-132. (Article)
Beck, J.G., Castonguay, L.G., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Klonsky, E.D., McGinn, L.K., & Youngstrom, E.A. (2014). Principles for training in evidence-based practice: Recommendations for the graduate curricula in clinical psychology. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 21, 410-424. (Article)
Sadeh, N., Londahl-Saller, E.A., Piatigorsky, A., Fordwood, S.,. Stuart, B.K., McNiel, D.E., Klonsky, E.D., Ozer, E.M., & Yaeger, A.M. (2014). Functions of non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents and young adults with Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms. Psychiatry Research, 216, 217-222. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. & Lewis, S.R. (2014). Assessment of non-suicidal self-injury. In M.K. Nock (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Suicide and Self-Injury. Oxford Press. (Book)
Klonsky, E.D., *May, A.M., & *Glenn, C.R. (2013). The relationship between nonsuicidal self-injury and attempted suicide: Converging evidence from four samples. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122, 231-237. (Article)
*May, A.M. & Klonsky, E.D. (2013). Assessing motivations for suicide attempts: Development and psychometric properties of the Inventory of Motivations for Suicide Attempts (IMSA).
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 43, 532-546.
(IMSA -- Measure)
*Glenn, C.R. & Klonsky, E.D. (2013). Non-suicidal self-injury disorder: An empirical investigation in adolescent psychiatric inpatients. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 42, 496-507. (Article)
*Glenn, C.R. & Klonsky, E.D. (2013). Reliability and validity of Borderline Personality Disorder in hospitalized adolescents. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 22, 206-211. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. (2013). Non-suicidal self-injury. In: G.P. Koocher, J.C. Norcross, B.A. Greene (Eds.). Psychologists' Desk Reference, 3rd edition. Oxford University Press.
Chambless, D.L. & Klonsky, E.D. (2013). Empirically supported treatments. In: G.P. Koocher, J.C. Norcorss, B.A. Greene (Eds.). Psychologists' Desk Reference, 3rd edition. Oxford University Press.
*May, A.M., Klonsky, E.D., & Klein, D.N. (2012). Predicting future suicide attempts among depressed suicide ideators: A 10-year longitudinal study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 46, 946-952. (Article)
*Weinberg, A. & Klonsky, E.D. (2012). The effects of self-injury on acute negative arousal: A laboratory simulation. Motivation and Emotion, 36, 242-254. (Article)
*Hibbert, A., *Weinberg, A., & Klonsky, E.D. (2012). Field validity of Heart Rate Variability Metrics Produced by QRSTool and CMetX. Psychological Assessment, 24, 777-782. (Article)
*Victor, S.E., *Glenn, C.R., & Klonsky, E.D. (2012). Is non-suicidal self-injury an "addiction"? A comparison of craving in substance use and non-suicidal self-injury. Psychiatry Research, 197, 73-77. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D., Kotov, R., Bakst, S., Rabinowitz, J., & Bromet, E.J. (2012). Hopelessness as a predictor of attempted suicide among first admission patients with psychosis: A 10-year cohort study. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 41, 1-10. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. (2011). Non-suicidal self-injury in United States adults: Prevalence, sociodemographics, topography, and functions. Psychological Medicine. (Article), (Abstract)
*Glenn, C.R. & Klonsky, E.D. (2011). One-year test-retest reliability of the Inventory of Statements About Self-injury (ISAS). Assessment. (Article)
*Glenn, C.R. & Klonsky, E.D. (2011). Prospective prediction of non-suicidal self-injury: A 1-year longitudinal study in young adults. Behavior Therapy. (Article)
*May, A. & Klonsky, E.D. (2011). Validity of suicidality items from the Youth Risk Behaviors Survey in a high-school sample. Assessment. (Article)
*Glenn, C.R., Blumenthal, T.D., Klonsky, E.D., & Hajcak, G. (2011). Emotional reactivity in nonsuicidal self-injury: Divergence between self-report and startle measures. International Journal of Psychophysiology. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. (2011). Evidence-based treatment. In N.A. Cummings, W.T. O'Donahue (Eds.), Understanding the Behavioral Healthcare Crisis: The Promise of Integrated Care and Diagnostic Reform (Book)
Klonsky, E.D., Muehlenkamp, J.J., Lewis, S., & Walsh, B. (2011). Non-suicidal self-injury. Hogrefe, Cambridge, MA. (Book)
Klonsky, E.D. & Black, A. (Eds.) (2011). The Psychology of Twilight. Benbella Books. (Book)
Klonsky, E.D. & *May, A. (2010). Rethinking impulsivity in suicide. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 40, 612-619. (Article)
*Glenn, C.R. & Klonsky, E.D. (2010). A multimethod analysis of impulsivity in non-suicidal self-injury. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 1, 67-75. (Article)
*Glenn, C.R. & Klonsky, E.D. (2010). The role of seeing blood in non-suicidal self-injury. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 66, 1-8. (Article)
Claes, L., Klonsky, E.D., Muehlenkamp, J.J., Kuppens, P., & Vandereycken, W. (2010). The affect-regulation function of non-suicidal self-injury in eating disordered patients: Which affect-states are regulated? Comprehensive Psychiatry, 51, 386-392. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. (2010). Non-suicidal self-injury. In: Weiner, I.B., Craighead, W.E. (Eds.), The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science, 4th ed., Wiley, New York, NY. (Volume)
*Weinberg, A. & Klonsky, E.D. (2009). Measurement of emotion dysregulation in adolescents. Psychological Assessment, 21, 616-621. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. & *Glenn, C.R. (2009). Assessing the functions of non-suicidal self-injury:
Psychometric properties of the Inventory of Statements About Self-injury (ISAS).
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 31, 215-219.
(ISAS -- Measure) Note: You may use the ISAS, no permission required.
Klonsky, E.D. (2009). The functions of self-injury in young adults who cut themselves: Clarifying the evidence for affect-regulation. Psychiatry Research, 166, 260-268. (Article)
*Weinberg, A., Klonsky, E.D., & Hajcak, G. (2009). Autonomic impairment in Borderline Personality Disorder: A laboratory investigation. Brain and Cognition, 71, 279-286. (Article)
*Glenn, C.R. & Klonsky, E.D. (2009). Emotion dysregulation as a core feature of Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of Personality Disorders, 23, 20-28. (Article)
*Glenn, C.R. & Klonsky, E.D. (2009). Social context during non-suicidal self-injury indicates suicide risk. Personality and Individual Differences, 46, 25-29. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. & *Weinberg, A. (2009). Assessment of non-suicidal self-injury. In. M.K. Nock (Ed.), Understanding non-suicidal self-injury: Origins, assessment, and treatment. American Psychological Association Press.
*Glenn, C.R., *Weinberg, A., & Klonsky, E.D. (2009). Relationship of the Borderline Symptom List (BSL) to DSM-IV borderline personality disorder criteria assessed by semi-structured interview. Psychopathology, 42, 394-398. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. & *Glenn, C.R. (2009). Non-suicidal self-injury: What independent practitioners should know. The Independent Practitioner. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. & *Olino, T.M. (2008). Identifying clinically distinct subgroups of self-injurers among young adults: A latent class analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76, 22-27. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. & Moyer, A. (2008). Childhood sexual abuse and non-suicidal self-injury: Meta-analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 192, 166-170. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. (2008). What is emptiness? Clarifying the 7th criterion for Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of Personality Disorders, 22, 418-426. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. & *Glenn, C.R. (2008). Resisting urges to self-injure. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36, 211-220. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. & *Glenn, C.R. (2008). Psychosocial risk and protective factors for self-injury. In. M.K. Nixon & N. Heath (Eds.), Self-injury in youth: The essential guide to assessment and intervention. Routledge Press. (Book)
Norcross, J.C., Klonsky, E.D., & Tropiano, H.L. (2008). The research-practice gap: Clinical scientists and independent practitioners speak. The Clinical Psychologist, 61(3),14-17. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. (2007). The functions of deliberate self-injury: A review of the evidence. Clinical Psychology Review, 27, 226-239. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. (Ed.). (2007, November Issue, Edited Volume). Non-suicidal self-injury. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session. (Volume)
Klonsky, E.D. (2007). Non-suicidal self-injury: An introduction. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, 63, 1039-1043. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. & Muehlenkamp, J.J. (2007). Self-injury: A research review for the practitioner. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, 63, 1045-1056. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. (2007, July 25). What every clinical psychologist should know. [Review of the book The Great Ideas of Clinical Science]. PsycCRITIQUES-Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 52 (No. 30), Article 1. Retrieved [July 30, 2007], from the PsycCRITIQUES database. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. & Laptook, R. (2007). "Dobby had to iron his hands, sir!": Self-inflicted cuts, burns, and bruises in Harry Potter. In N. Mulholland (Ed.)., The Psychology of Harry Potter: The Boy Who Lived. Benbella Books. (Book)
Oltmanns, T.F. & Klonsky, E.D. (2006). Critical thinking about clinical inference. In B. Sternberg, R. Roediger, & D. Halpern (Eds.), Critical thinking in psychology. Cambridge University Press. (Book)
Oltmanns, T.F., Gleason, M.E.J., Klonsky, E.D., & Turkheimer, E. (2005). Meta-perception for pathological personality traits: Do we know when others think that we are difficult? Consciousness and Cognition, 14, 739-751. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. (2004). Performance of PAI and Rorschach indices of schizophrenia in a public psychiatric hospital. Psychological Services, 2, 107-110. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D., Oltmanns, T.F., & Turkheimer, E. (2003). Deliberate self-harm in a non-clinical population: Prevalence and psychological correlates. American Journal of Psychiatry, 160, 1501-1508. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D., Oltmanns, T.F., & Turkheimer, E. (2002). Informant reports of personality disorder: Relation to self-report, and future research directions. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 9, 300-311. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. (2002). Valid inferences from invalid tests? American Psychologist, 57, 990. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D., Jane, J.S., Turkheimer, E., & Oltmanns, T.F. (2002). Gender role and personality disorders. Journal of Personality Disorders, 16, 464-476. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D., Oltmanns, T.F., Turkheimer, E., & Fiedler, E. (2000). Recollections of conflict with parents and family support in the personality disorders. Journal of Personality Disorders, 14, 311-322. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. (2000). The DSM classification of personality disorder: Clinical wisdom or empirical truth? Journal of Clinical Psychology, 56, 1615-1621. (Article)
Klonsky, E.D. & Bertelson, A.D. (2000). MMPI-2 clinical scale differences between dysthymia and major depression. Assessment, 7, 143-149. (Article)
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